Our Place

The Estate

Situated in the upper Alentejo, Portalagre district, km 206.5 on the IP2 between Veiros e Monforte, the 600 hectare estate lies in a belt of gently ondulating granite countryside mostly given over to native forests of Mediterranean cork and holm oak and rasing of Alentejo purebreed cattle.

The Hermitage

The estate is bosdered by two rivers, the Almuro and the Leca, which besides being a vital natural resource add to the beauty of the land. Registered as a private hunting reserve, the estate is a protected sanctuary for animal life. Besides the most common species of hare, partridge, duck and rabbit there are other rarer species such as bustard, deer, and wild boar.

The Soil

Its relief is smooth, the granite soils and the farm is mostly covered with holm oak and cork oak, with some rocky outcrops. It is limited by two streams that make a huge contribution to water resources, and give an extraordinary beauty to the landscapes. Being a game reserve, it is a true sanctuary of animal life, being found, beyond the most common species such as hare, partridge, duck, rabbit; others more rare such as bustard, split, algrivão, gambo and wild boar.